This is a great idea
You are all onto the right idea here, it seems that all you have is a froendly competition to see who is the best and I respect that. In that light I would like to post my reviews, and also tell why these people won in my book.
First: Walking Cycle: Winer-Vincoid Why? Well even though his animation was a bit on the odd looking side he showed a natural gate in the legs, the only part missing was counter balance by arm swing but thats a minor detail.
Second: Jumping Cycle: Winner- Chillyphilly This is one of the best works on here, simply because he/she studied studied their physics. The jump and hang were done excellently. Also having sound does help even in a minor way.
Third: Explosion Cycle: Winner- Chillyphilly This one was a toss up between Chilly and Darkredemption, both captured the essence of an explosion, but Chilly hit it on the head a little better.
All those who participated in this did an excellent job and should be proud that they can animate like that. I hope that those who didn't win do not become depressed about not winning, the fact is this sort of thing makes you better. As long as it it conducted in an honorable way and there aren't sore losers everybody wins. Good luck to all contestants in next weeks release.